Firstly, a ranting. I'VE FIXED MY CAR. It took forever, and has brought joy and color back to my world. And exhaust fumes, and loud motor sounds, and grease spots on articles of clothing previously unsullied. But hey, that's life. And that's how I roll. You can now catch me riding dirty, in the Black Pearl. I'll post some older pics, but the new stuff is quite different, style wise.
Glee segment, finished.
Now, for the confessions. I haven't been exercising like I should. On top of that, I haven't been eating like I ought, either. Nor have I been reading the Bible, or solving world hunger, or climbing Mount Everest like I've been meaning to. But the first three sting the most. I know that not doing devotions has allowed my temper to return with a vengence. I'm straight irritable. And I hate it. I also hate that I"ve lost strength, weight, tone, and hotness by being a slagg. Ugh. I've enlisted several people to keep me accountable to a new set of habits and commitments. You may help. If you feel like bossing someone around, send a message asking about weight training, sleep habits, devotions, or oreos. I'll answer honestly. If I've been bad, you get to berate. And we all know what a good rebuking can do to brighten one's day.
This leads to another point. I've been thinking of submitting a Suicide Boy set. When I'm in good enough shape, that is. I ought to contribute a little, since I've been previously perusing the lovely ladies, with nary a donation of my own. And a little is all I've got to contribute, if you catch my drift. If you don't, I was making a self-depreciating penis joke. HAR. Anyway, I'll see if I can find a photographer, and a place to photograph. Meantimes, I've recieved confimation from several sources who weren't opposed to the idea. One such friend even claimed that she'd "be willing to pay 4 dollars to see that shit". Ha ha, Witnit. Your monetary assessment of my ASSets is appreciated.
Now where's my 4 bucks?? =P