Oy, vey! Why is it that life has such wild fluxuations in hecticness. Hrmm... Hecticousity? Hectuatoin? <insert appropriate term here> I guess the old Theory of Relativity is still in effect. Work DRAGS by. School DRAGS by. And the times in between, when I get to enjoy extracarricular activities such as sleep? They FLY by. I"m talking like, hypersonic time passage. I don't get woken up by my alarm, anymore. I get woken by the sonic boom resulting from time's cruel deceleration. Also, "woken" may be gramatically correct, but it sounds rediculous when spoken aloud. The only reason I can tolerate it, is because there exist so few good alternatives. "Waked"? I don't think so.
Still, my time may be completely booked, but at least it's booked with exciting things. We're doing rope systems at school. This hands-on stuff? It's FUN. And confined space is coming up next. Thanks to God's cruel sense of humor, and my resulting lack of height, I'm perfectly suited for scrambling about in tight spaces. w00t!
It's important to note that, while my free time is scarce and fleeting, I still have time to do rediculous things likethis
Still, my time may be completely booked, but at least it's booked with exciting things. We're doing rope systems at school. This hands-on stuff? It's FUN. And confined space is coming up next. Thanks to God's cruel sense of humor, and my resulting lack of height, I'm perfectly suited for scrambling about in tight spaces. w00t!
It's important to note that, while my free time is scarce and fleeting, I still have time to do rediculous things likethis