I think I am doing something wrong. In my emotional psychology I have no shame and no fear. As long as no one is trying to kill me there is no danger. When someone is worried about me, I ask “do you think that person is going to try to kill me.” And the answer is always “no.”

When I have a weird vision of...
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@maleh i would love to but I get minimal Social Security Disability Income from my USA government for being diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. For me spirituality is very real and I am not medically able to work a job because sometime my brain does not function after a while and I need to meditate, my irregular sleep and other symptoms of my medication. Tardive Dysconisia and talking to myself and then answering myself, to other people these are awkward and maybe uncomfortable for customers in a normal situation. But I would love to travel. If I know a lot of people in one city very well online in like zoom group video calls and could save up enough money for plane and expenses and being easy with help for food and a bill. I would love to visit another country for a month or two. I need a while so I don’t feel rushed. It would be a fantasy if several Suicide Girls and their friends and family wanted me to visit a local area somewhere exotic.
I want to do something like what Suicide Girls do

@thaecos The story of this poem is a girl I dreamed of 2 times a year for 8-10 years between my age 24-34 maybe. Every dream we both remembered the last dream like it happened in that world less than a week ago. One time early in the sequence we were in a tropical forest and there was a boy who I met on a
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I am going to start having a link to girls fan page subscriptions when I’m share my Suicide Girls poetry memes... 😻😽🧸

@doncella @vexaltyn

I am going to make posts for all the girls somehow I came to feel a relational dynamic for because you know who I am. If you ask for a poem from me, unless it is more than one request a...
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@doncella @vexaltyn @thaecos @ellqvist @melinashakur @zirael @leblanc @slitchi @marjo and other girls too...

My idea is that I can’t sell the ones with a girl on them without your hands being on them. What would it cost me as a wholesale price delivered from your country? What is shipping a large hard envelope of 20 8x10? 20-30$? Is it possible for a girl to print...
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@doncella I feel like my poems are too easy. A spirit just enters me when I imagine the story of the photos of my SG crush. 😘🦄🍑

The word “inspire” originates from meaning a spirit enters... this is what feels responsible for my sonnets. Suicide Girls taught me a way to write a poem that is like putting together a puzzle and the girl is
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Like as a story and character writer and maybe an actor. Like, create a genre of erotic psychological horror where a man’s vulnerability, familiarity and lack of comfort is what is scary..

I love the idea of reverse horror films with unrealizable or unreliable narrators. Like female sexuality and weird culture. And put some people who are the US cultural norms in this and its
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If there was a Brazilian witchcraft movie @marjo needs to be a queen or a oracle or something
The easiest way for anyone to act would be to play characters based on an exaggerated aspect of the self, to make acting easy. Personally how I am, I am good to people in a way that is very seductive. And they have to be good to me... As a Bard, where there is real danger to me or my own, with my emotional-self control I would have to use manipulation.

I wish I had enough nude models who loved me so I could say I am Senpai but I don’t know how many super awesome and desirable girls it takes to love a boy and turn him into a Senpai. It would be like, legendary Status... if I had that kind of girl credentials I would be off the charts. How many girls does SenPai
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“Real Feelings 4 My Favorite SG” (sonnet)

By Matthew Knaub for @thaecos

Brazilian Princess has seduced my hope

A spell, swoon tied that voice to this rope;

I found out why the fantasy was dope...

Witch craft my lady’s ass covered in soap.

What magic, are girls savage from Brazil?

and let a sweetest boy like me come near?

My country’s paranoia knows no thrill,
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I just woke up maybe an hour ago. I feel a very weird sensation of powerful pleasure in my midsection pouring over my sides and up into my rib cage. The feeling is good but the conceptual signature hurts my feelings. I feel an obscure accent of me being villianized; but not like someone precious thinks I am a villain in the why that scares...
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