I have learned that my personality is very entertaining. I think I could be a YouTube personality if people know about me. 💦🐒❤️ I am going to make better quality videos of my gimmicks after I think of a good way to put my shows together. I have like 5 ideas for different kinds of videos. 💦🐒😇

1) Funny Lectures about Actual Topics in my...
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Hahah so much fun!
@redkaya 😍🙈🥰 I don’t know if I can become a popular as an internet personality because of how I overwhelm people. Even my good friends who I do a different show with and they are satisfied having me around even though they have complaints... they have been saying when I talk, I “eat people’s brains” ...I am trying to run with it and Get my friend to record the app screen and send me a video to upload and I am going to put a spin on it about how they think it’s bad Matt eats people’s brains and I am happy that I am like a zombie of love... 🧟‍♂️❤️🧠

If I was a photographer, I would come up with thousands of scenarios in my free time and say one before each sequence of photos.

Like, imagine you are laughing at joke about how diet doctor pepper does not really taste more like regular doctor pepper and then you hear something that sounds like a gun shot far away.

Imagine there is this cute boy
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These are the filters I used on the photo poem art. 😘🦄😍🙈🥰

this is a translation of the poem to Portuguese ✨✨✨😍

I posted it in my poetry group. Shared her New OnlyFans Page. And wrote a naughty thing that might get boys to subscribe! 🙊🙉🙈

And then I shared in 23 Facebook groups. I don’t get in trouble in poetry groups or religious debate
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🙊🙈🙉 my personal reason to do the show 😘🦄🍑 is so that girls see me and think I am cute! 💞😇💞😈💞

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Please be a Fan of our show! Nude Models are the best fans I could ever have... 😍🙈😘🦄🥰👅🍑

“Trubble Makers”


‪Friends and Friendship is like Sushi! It is Not how many pieces you eat!‬ It is about the quality of the Sushi you make! 💙🧚♀️💙

Swoon Says Friends are like Sushi...

@thaecos 😘🦄😍🍑🥰 @ellqvist @ninaq @olgakulaga @haub @zirael and all other girls who know me, please My love help me understand what kind of friendship I have with you too... with these and others friendships
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(I have have to have 2 messenger chats. One for-evil girls chat and one for-good girls chat because you can’t have these types in the same room. In the evil chat, all of the girls are very adamant about how I will never marry a Suicide Girl. In the good chat there are girls who “get” me and say maybe I will. There is a...
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In a conservation with a married boy and a girl who says she has a lot of friends who do this work, who are also in my evil girls group... it got to the point where the boy looked up all the ways a girl can make money by only being on Suicide Girls and not other websites because apparently he said this is all a person might need. When I was talking about my favorite SG. He said referral links, SG tips, selling videos and photos that aren’t on SG and photo sets might be all that some girls need. I told him you can’t make a living on just tips and they still stuck to their story. It was in the group video chat. And they refused to believe that some girls could desire to be my friend. It’s sad because they know they enjoy my idiosyncrasies. I really don’t think my friends believe nude models are humans.

(This is intended to be honest and humorous, it is written in the voice I use with how I talk to my friends about Suicide Girls... it is very lovable. it is how I make people nurture me and protect me...)

I think I am Special and I like girls who think I am special too! 💦🐒😇

I have never had a girlfriend; but I
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You can see me doing my twitter activity like 4 hours into he video called Ray Beys Dad. It is only like 5 hours, not 10. Taylor fell asleep.

I sometimes say to people that I am transgender I have a female brain and I identify as a lesbian. My sexual orientation and my arousal is more like a lesbian girl brain and not a man. I actually prefer to say I am trans-relational. It is a term I made up myself.

I love Suicide Girls but even though I think you are so
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