I should not feel ashamed of my body. It is true that I want to be naked on the internet to feel confident about myself. The idea that everyone has been saying that I want to show my penis is extremely offensive. The reason I care about doing full body nudes is for confidence. I want to be able to believe that my body is not scary or offensive just because it has that little penis attached to it.
There is no difference between the birthmark on my face and the perturbing limb between my thighs.
This was a debate I had in a thread where nobody even tried to understand me. Thread from the group “Everything SG”
Everyone thought I was boasting about male virtuality. This is evidence that everyone else is delusional. I have spent my entire adult life paranoid that girls thought I was a monster who wants to have sex. This may have more to do with being strictly mating oriented and completely asexual towards strangers. The simple fact that other humans are bias to think that I am also sexual is why I am constantly misunderstood. I should be allowed to correct misconceptions about my own humanity. I am different.
What I hope to accomplish by being naked in this community is confidence in my self, with my skinny arms and legs and tubby belly and my virgin skin and prove my penis is not the devil. I should not have to feel that I am evil because I am a man. My understanding is there are not other males who have my agenda. So posting in groups is not a safe place if I am surrounded by what I am working to escape the perception of. I don’t want to be always be next to what I am afraid people think of me. I want to increase my confidence at being without shame. I want to do nude photography to feel unashamed and comfortable with myself in my body.
Please review the official policy and tell me I am not being discriminated against. Saying I am something that repulses me and I am nothing like that is hate. I am righteous not for self but for a the principle of being logical, considering the human variables and making an effort to understand me and my philosophy.
This says in order to say content is wrong, you discretion determined that it is either “hateful, pornographic, or anything that would get me or SG in trouble with the law” They MUST determine it to be one of these three things! It Must be “...in violation of the above guidelines.” Staff members can get SG in trouble with the law if they don’t obey the guileless when determining violations. If they have any other reason, like repeatedly deleting content and issuing warning because people will say a naked man is ugly without knowing him. And it is true, without knowing him they will.
People look at your personal page without knowing you because they think you are an interesting human. Anyone who looks at your page to mock you, looking for dirt, or looking for a mark is disqualified for having a valid opinion on whether or not I am allowed. This is why SG is a community that is a safe space for people who are different to express their true selves for what we call building character, and confidence.
This includes the SG legal definition of what is ‘pornographic‘ on Suicide Girls.
@sean @rambo @missy