I have learned that my personality is very entertaining. I think I could be a YouTube personality if people know about me. 💦🐒❤️ I am going to make better quality videos of my gimmicks after I think of a good way to put my shows together. I have like 5 ideas for different kinds of videos. 💦🐒😇
1) Funny Lectures about Actual Topics in my Kid Voice Filter: Knaub Talks: Exodus Explained
2) Clips of me talking about Random things, Trying to be Cute: Matt’s Instagram Story
3) Me trying to Be a guru and give advice: Matthew’s Talks: The Insensitive Unicorn
4) Get Other People to Hang out with me and Talk with me About Me: Talks about Matt
5) I Still have to Figure out what I can Do for a Show and Call it: Matt Talks
PLEASE Like Share And Subscribe to ME on YouTube 😍🙈🥰
I’m Naked and I Just Woke Up less than an Hour ago... 🦑🐊😘🦄🦋