I just woke up maybe an hour ago. I feel a very weird sensation of powerful pleasure in my midsection pouring over my sides and up into my rib cage. The feeling is good but the conceptual signature hurts my feelings. I feel an obscure accent of me being villianized; but not like someone precious thinks I am a villain in the why that scares me. I feel some feminine energy like it thinks I would be so cool that I am a bad guy. 😓🦊🔥
I hate being villianized more than anything else caused by my super authentic love for females. I think female sexuality is so cute and pretty. If girls think I am a bad guy thing is hurting my honor. I am pretty sure I am some kind of asexual. Like it is repulsive to me like I am going to throw up if I think about giving a pretty girl I adore my penis without believing so hard in being effectively bonded to her soul... I am very abnormal. Please do not make fun of my baby face sexuality... 🙈🔥👻
It started yesterday but it is very heavy right now after I woke up with eight hours of sleep. Yes, girls see me acting weird on Twitter as I am trying to prove my adoration and help all my hopeful best friends with her business... and how I am finding fantasy girls to pay into with my own little bit... I think that the thing I did that prompted me to feel this way was sharing the awesome and pretty cos-play sex videos and how I bought four of @zirael s videos. 😓
Maybe it would help my soul if I follow girls to only use the lesbian anal videos of any girls if I flirt and put things in my booty... ❤️
I am adorable and an angel and you naughty girls need to love my innocence... 😍🙈😘🌺🥰 Here are some picture of my goodness after yesterday’s shower... 👻🔥🙈😘🍑😇
One of my favorite reasons I love @thaecos or @ellqvist is because I feel like they would be the best to talk to about the paranormal things I experience. They would not think I am crazy. 🦄🦄 my fantasy is girls who think of ideas and we can do psychic spirit science experiments and be inside each other’s soul; my type is cool girls who are so pretty and sweet to me with a healthy spirituality and vast indifference like me, who would desire to increase both of our magic, and help us make sense of supernatural things we experience. 🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰
I do have empirical evidence that my empathetic sorcery does serve me in a real life way to help my behavior be awesome in a real way... because of my grace and mercy and love, my empathetic magic benefits me and also helps me relate to people I interact with in an above average effective way.
Right now my agenda was to talk about why Thaecos and Ellqivist are the best so anyone who is trying to have sex with me know my heart, 🙃🙈👻 so nobody actually believes she can steal my flower, and also because I want to be cute for everyone who thinks I am a blessing as I swoon for girls hearts like a vampire of love and a zombie who wants to eat girls brains and devour your soul like the chupa cabra. 🧛♂️🧟♂️🥰, 🐺🦇❤️, 🦄🙈😍!!