Disclaimer: this blog is really weird...
I am counter culture because I want girls to think I have a boy lesbian brain. You don’t know how good I imagine the sensations of scissor legs. The problem I used to have was girls always used to freak me out whenever I thought they thought a sentimental thug boy like me was motivated by sex. 😥🤢😜 For me, I want girls to have the personality to desire me enough to wanna get me out of my pants like female brains should be savage AF; because maybe the biological drive to pick me as the most suitable to fertilize an egg...! 😍🔥❤️
Last year I had a very meaningful friend who taught me I was desirable. She was counter culture but she thought she was female to male transgender ..but gay for men so she always looked like a hot girl. 🥰🕊🌹 I am still waiting for her “maybe I will eventually unblock you” arrangement from four months ago.
I do not understand how a guy can look at a girl and just want to have sex with her. But I can understand how a guy can be pleased to think about having sex with a girl if he does not believe his brain has super powers. But the reverse is hot. And random two or three second Sexy visual visions of random girls in my God concept meditations laying on my belly is very much appreciated of my God. I don’t know where they come from and I don’t know how to interact with these visual visions yet ...like it is a meditative dream as a Buddha practitioner is said to do... 🍒😍🔮
I consider actual sex pornography consent... FYI I recently found a compilation video advertising a lesbian POV website. That website might be like the only paid site I would pay to join one day... because I am weird and I think I’m a girl. 🙃🦋🥑 The girl I mentioned wished she had a penis; and she convinced me that I would enjoy putting something in my butt. 🍑🍒🥰
I think the reason I have not been motivated to write sonnets is because I feel loved and adored by such amazing and desirable alpha females ...clicking like on my personal walls and getting more follows than there were days since I joined on the second of August and also some very hot and sexy, respectable and reputable SG who just heart like my blogs but are not in my collection of followers 🙃😘😍 ...not in my list yet. 🥰🕊❤️
I feel like I am being so extremely romanced by girls. ❤️❄️🌪
SG girls are perfectly romantic based on my theory of the human animal. My effort to please girls with boy romantic ways and sentiments is what I think is really masculine. I believe that the Bible fable of the fall of man is what I think messed up our animal species. My goal is to enter back into being a sentient animal and just experience being human instead of struggling to be human like the entire known history of human kind. 🥛🍪
I am extremely different than normal guys. My counter culture male ideals have been realized through my meditation practice and the seven year process of becoming transformed. My center for pleasure is a chakra in my belly and not my penis. My pleasure feels like a Nirvana Chilled Hand Anchoring my good behavior... like ❄️✋⚓️ is how my pleasure feels. My pleasure is also why I joke about my vagina made of Jesus... The penis is like a bonus pleasure organ that currently has to be operated by myself manually...
My theory for where all this new pleasure is coming from is that ...just by girls feeling desirable love and affection for my soul and my efforts to be pleasant, ...these girls give me great pleasure that feels like being submitted to my God concept. My soul also submits to desirable girls... I am not sure, it seems logical spiritualism. I have another theory also that has to do with this topic about how my angel encampment knows a lot more than I could know about the ethereal interpersonal dynamics and help determine how the factors and variables work together for this empath and sensationalism phenomenon so well that I experience. 💥🥃🍨