I had a really cool dream because an alien showed me it was a simulation in the end. I think it was an exaggeration about the fall of man OR what would prevent a future re-elevation of man...
I was able to convince one righteousness man inside and near the end of my dream that I just wanted explain things; and he really had my back and was willing to throw down my hunters for me... the girl who I thought needed help was the less faithful female of two to me...
Eve hated this city but Lilith just had found least objectionable options as mates and didn’t tell them she was boss. I was thinking about it during “we hope turns pink” @tommy during her live that just ended that the dream might have been about: what is the worst thing that couldn’t possibly happen to males psychology, trying to be bigger and badder, when female psychology is counter culture Sg psychology.
I need to be more innocent than the women I like in order for me to feel comfortable... It is sexy for a boy to magine how safe it would be choosing a mate after I would give her the role and responsibilities of my master ..be a dragon puppy like a woman’s life hack tool and use common tactics and rhetoric for me to have get satisfying results that function for my pair bond master’s behavior... when I shall have for myself an alpha female attributed to male sexual relationship...
In the end of my dream, some sort of accidental harm was caused to one of the many hidden faced alien observers, because the girl alien in my dream helped me win by showjng me herself... and also so I knew it was just a philosophical adventure and not a sign...