Using transparency and emotional maturity, poetry and romantic sentiments and flirting without being a slave to my genitals. I am an ideological prince who never got married or engaged in coitus due to schizophrenia induced PTSD...
Everyone’s is tagging @missy and @rambo (and someone else I didn’t see this time) so I think they are bosses... I don’t want to show my penis tho. Honorary SG I say G is for a suicidal gentleman... 😍😘🥰
I am a quarter Japanese. You can not put a penis in a Japanese cartoon, but there is an entire genre of Japanese porn cartoons dedicated to breasts and vaginas. I even have a full body pillow case with a naked cartoon girl with a dragon tattoo on her back. I here in some of the cartoon and comics there are even monsters that put their tentacles inside of the anime girls in these Japanese vagina cartoons.
I would love to make a little money. I am on SSI disability for my schizophrenia and side effects... extremely sensitive to stimulation and meditate... and emotionally mature I think, and motivationally asexual... I just want to put myself on important people’s radar. I have a book idea publishing the sonnets that have been now inspired by ideas to imagine. I discovered it is perfectly reasonable to have romantic fantasies involving my idea of who the identities of official SG are and what kind to theme and topic would please each girl...
I want to use any money I get from things like my referral links for signed and messaged prints from “SG” who think I am cute and cool. I want the important people to think I am cool and a prince, can you follow me. There are two very awesome and meaningful SG who liked every one of my posts since I joined on the 2nd of this month. They think I am smart so that means they must be VERY smart I think I would have referrals.