My God told me to serve my demon lord. 🥰😍❤️ time I was visited by an angel who felt like Peter Pan in retrospect...
My idea is I think she would be worthy of his blameless mischief. 😇🐒🥰
“From your Friend” (sonnet)
By Matthew Knaub For SG @vexaltyn
Lash up my feels, ...fantasy empire—
blind child sentiments so unashamed—
Public shows of zombies and vampire’
to play pretend; my demon lord I named.
Unashamed to play dark games in public?
...unashamed, be known as Suicide.
Sanctimonious moon tastes good sub’ lick;
“Preacher, the moon has took me for a ride.”
Definitions of colloquial have breath—
Expectations, high mindful views of self—
The games I play nefarious at times—
No worry, boy has God, needs no one else—
I’d script it so my fans think Matt is hot;
nefarious agenda... ...heart eyes get got? 😍🥰😇