The saying 'it's all been done before' and those that espouse it are beginning to bore me.
Guess what? You have not seen everything and you NEVER will.
Yes, there is some truth in that, yet I believe that there are still an infinite amount of combinations that have not been tapped. The root of everything we do is found in something that has already happened, as we are all fated to reprofuce the ideas, concepts, and events of those who lived before us.
As humans we start as empty shells, and begin taking in knowledge from a early age. When we finally amass enough, that knowledge is combined with our own personal set of circumstances, upbringing, education, interests, phobias, and joy, and are defined as a individual.
Very young children have very few behaviorial differences. You can very easily pidgeon-hole them into two groups; the quiet children, and the active children. Basically, they fall into much broader groups than, say, the teenage or adult populace.
Now, these defining ideas and concepts that make us who we are, are generally the concepts that reflect the path of our lives as well.
So are we doomed to basically rehash every story we say, read, heard, experience we witnessed or lived through as a child untill the current times? No. This is where the combinations of ideas comes into play. Combinations of ideas that have inspired you deeply, mixed with your own personal experience and lead us to new territory.
I believe that even if we TRIED to make an exact copy of an event or concept that had inspired us, inevitably the infinite combinations of your own experience would kick in and you would end up with something original. Not necessarily better mind you, just new.
I look around and it seems like the joy has left most of everyone I know. They say life no longer holds any surprises for them, that there is no payoff at the end of the ride. That it is best to just go still and drown rather than fight the waves and hold on to hope that someone or something will come along and save them, or perhaps they will save themselves.
My only advice is to make sure there is as much YOU in whatever it is you do as possible. We are all individuals, but are all trapped and victims to the human condition as well. No matter what part of your life you let influence you, be it joy or sadness, other people out there WILL relate. It reminds me of that horrible, horrid themesong 'The key to your success lies within you"
Life is what you make of it. I hope you make it a happy one.
Guess what? You have not seen everything and you NEVER will.
Yes, there is some truth in that, yet I believe that there are still an infinite amount of combinations that have not been tapped. The root of everything we do is found in something that has already happened, as we are all fated to reprofuce the ideas, concepts, and events of those who lived before us.
As humans we start as empty shells, and begin taking in knowledge from a early age. When we finally amass enough, that knowledge is combined with our own personal set of circumstances, upbringing, education, interests, phobias, and joy, and are defined as a individual.
Very young children have very few behaviorial differences. You can very easily pidgeon-hole them into two groups; the quiet children, and the active children. Basically, they fall into much broader groups than, say, the teenage or adult populace.
Now, these defining ideas and concepts that make us who we are, are generally the concepts that reflect the path of our lives as well.
So are we doomed to basically rehash every story we say, read, heard, experience we witnessed or lived through as a child untill the current times? No. This is where the combinations of ideas comes into play. Combinations of ideas that have inspired you deeply, mixed with your own personal experience and lead us to new territory.
I believe that even if we TRIED to make an exact copy of an event or concept that had inspired us, inevitably the infinite combinations of your own experience would kick in and you would end up with something original. Not necessarily better mind you, just new.
I look around and it seems like the joy has left most of everyone I know. They say life no longer holds any surprises for them, that there is no payoff at the end of the ride. That it is best to just go still and drown rather than fight the waves and hold on to hope that someone or something will come along and save them, or perhaps they will save themselves.
My only advice is to make sure there is as much YOU in whatever it is you do as possible. We are all individuals, but are all trapped and victims to the human condition as well. No matter what part of your life you let influence you, be it joy or sadness, other people out there WILL relate. It reminds me of that horrible, horrid themesong 'The key to your success lies within you"
Life is what you make of it. I hope you make it a happy one.
He's a good roommate. But I may have one in the future who likes the FP nakedness.