It has been absolutely gorgeous this past week - even though it's freaking cold. I went to Milwaukee to hang out with the sis last weekend, but I forgot my ID and cash card in Minneapolis, so our fun was limited to non-bar establishments. But coffee houses are fun
And she took me to Lake Park, where - as one might imagine - we could see Lake Michigan stretch out to make the horizon.
This Saturday I'm going to a fetish evnt to stick needles in people - yeah! Always fun to have willing victims Mwah-hah-hah!
I've been looking for work. Doing a little personal assistant job-y for a friend with her own business, but - and call me a snob if you will - as a kolluge grajuette I can really only be happy washing other people's storm windows, dishes and floors for so long. I dunno. Maybe it's me. I hate washing my own dishes, yo.
Anyway, hope y'all had a fabulous Halloween and a great rest of your week.

This Saturday I'm going to a fetish evnt to stick needles in people - yeah! Always fun to have willing victims Mwah-hah-hah!
I've been looking for work. Doing a little personal assistant job-y for a friend with her own business, but - and call me a snob if you will - as a kolluge grajuette I can really only be happy washing other people's storm windows, dishes and floors for so long. I dunno. Maybe it's me. I hate washing my own dishes, yo.
Anyway, hope y'all had a fabulous Halloween and a great rest of your week.