Just got in from watching Spiderman 2 strangest thing about watching the film is it made me want a new Girlfriend
Best get sewing myself a nice Red Body Hugging Lycra Suit then i think

Best get sewing myself a nice Red Body Hugging Lycra Suit then i think

switch3sixty said on July 26, 2004 02:16 PM
Just wanted to say i think that pic you done of Luxe is fcukin' ace mate
thanx man.
more coming soon.
been working on Sphinx, Amina, and Kira lately.
i just need to concentrate on FINISHING one of them.
couldnt help but notice you're in the (most awesome place in the world imho) U.K.
i'm there as much as my wallet will allow.
last time in SGNic suggested to my girlfriend that we check out a place called The Intrepid Fox on Soho.
we did, fell in love with it and basically could've lived there if they'd let us.
thanx for the compliment.
keep your eyes peeled for more.
//kevy ke_v
::friend request sent::