I love this site more and more everyday.
Thankeee Enola for the Swiss Group!
So, Paris with Julia aint gonna happen. And why not?? Because her suckerrrr boyfriend
threw a fit! HA, actually its kind of a compliment to me, because that means hes afraid Ill steal her away from him and that means she told him that she thinks Im a really great guy. Pfff whatever. So, yeah, not gonna happen because that guys a bioootch!
Not too many news otherwise. I will finally get my pin-up tattoo next month. Design is finished!
Tell me something, women: Do girls like to make their guy-friends drool and cramp in between their legs for fun? Cause I have 2 lady-friends who do it to me all the time (and they KNOW they make me horny), but of course both of em have boyfriends and nothing happens. But it seems like they like the idea that I think of them in "that way" or that they get a reaction from me? It puzzles me...and its SO mean !
Jaja...gonna go eat some pudding now.
Thankeee Enola for the Swiss Group!

So, Paris with Julia aint gonna happen. And why not?? Because her suckerrrr boyfriend

Not too many news otherwise. I will finally get my pin-up tattoo next month. Design is finished!
Tell me something, women: Do girls like to make their guy-friends drool and cramp in between their legs for fun? Cause I have 2 lady-friends who do it to me all the time (and they KNOW they make me horny), but of course both of em have boyfriends and nothing happens. But it seems like they like the idea that I think of them in "that way" or that they get a reaction from me? It puzzles me...and its SO mean !

Jaja...gonna go eat some pudding now.
Zu diinere Frag da^ zletscht: Ja. Also ich mach das au immer gern. So ufem Schoss umerutsche vome Kolleg und wenn i de Stnder gspr lauf i weg und sgem er seg e sau. Haha!! Das macht Spass...