*sigh* ...just got home from a looong day of work at the bookshop. Why are customers so stupid? If you work with the public, you get to realize how very few people have manners. I mean, seriously...especially people who youd think would have manners...are the worst. Business - Men in Suits are worst (not all of them, theres still suits who have manners), or Paris Hilton wanna-bes. No fucking manners whatsoever! And theres a lot of University Students who think theyre the absolute shit too! Little kids have manners. They actually still appreciate it if you give them a book or anything. Or (funny but true) Germans.
Had a drink with my favourite friend Julia. Did I tell you shes hot? We were talking about Fuck-Buddies and how everyone whos single should have one, and I told her, hey, why not be my fuck-buddy? And she said she would be, if she didnt have a boyfriend
. Dang it! Wonder if I could make his death look like an accident...hmmmm...
Suicide Girls calms me down
Was a long day. Gonna go grab a bite now.
Had a drink with my favourite friend Julia. Did I tell you shes hot? We were talking about Fuck-Buddies and how everyone whos single should have one, and I told her, hey, why not be my fuck-buddy? And she said she would be, if she didnt have a boyfriend

Suicide Girls calms me down

anyone who likes DM and naubauten is a friend in my book! i'm glad i found you.