Tonight the Derby Festival kicks off with Thunder Over Louisville. It's a big show where thousands of people go down to the Ohio River to see fireworks get set off of the bridges. A lot of my friends came home for the weekend to see it. It's going to be so much fun hanging out with them down there. I'll update later and tell you how the show went.
Thunder Over Louisville was awesome. Fireworks are so neat. Hungout with lots of friends and walked and ate for hours. I went down with my friend Derek. A big running theme this year was everyone was supposed to wear red, white, and blure shirts. We didn't care about it and didn't think about what we were putting on before we left. On the drive down we heard them mention the tshirt thing on the radio. Derek and I looked at each other and noticed that both of our shirts were only three colors, red, white, and blue. Kinda wierd.
I hate the stupid kids who go there and wait for hours. Then when the fireworks start going off they continue to walk around and talk on their little cellphones, not paying attention to anything major thats going on. Silly kids.
Fireworks rock.
p.s. corndogs rock!
Thunder Over Louisville was awesome. Fireworks are so neat. Hungout with lots of friends and walked and ate for hours. I went down with my friend Derek. A big running theme this year was everyone was supposed to wear red, white, and blure shirts. We didn't care about it and didn't think about what we were putting on before we left. On the drive down we heard them mention the tshirt thing on the radio. Derek and I looked at each other and noticed that both of our shirts were only three colors, red, white, and blue. Kinda wierd.
I hate the stupid kids who go there and wait for hours. Then when the fireworks start going off they continue to walk around and talk on their little cellphones, not paying attention to anything major thats going on. Silly kids.
Fireworks rock.
p.s. corndogs rock!

and if you ever get bored theres plenty of shirtless men getting in fights to watch.
*sigh* I miss Thunder. You and I should get together and go next year! It would be so cool.