up around the top of a fountain somewhere, there's probably a cherub spitting water.
archaic and aesthetic, it poses for us all in a constant gesture of disrespect, yet we think this thing mocking us is beautiful.
andy warhol filmed some dude sleeping for 6 hours. critics argue alot over it. some say its genius. some say it sucks. id never watch it, but its still genius, because all these critics wasted 6 hours of their lives and are still arguing.
kangaroo means "i dont know" in aberigeny.
i didn't change my clothes when i woke up this morning. i liked the outfit, so i thought it was worht wearing twice. all it is is jeans and a t shirt.
i did change my socks.
apples and broccoli taste better prepared. creamed spinach makes me gag.
sometimes you facing forwards, then you turn around and youre still facing forward.
animals other tan us have it so easy. food, sex, sleep. thats all they worry about. nevermind, thats all i worry about too. maybe humanity isnt so bad if you go about it right.
the human embryo contains 5 sets of gills. kind of fishy.
where do random thoughts come from?
archaic and aesthetic, it poses for us all in a constant gesture of disrespect, yet we think this thing mocking us is beautiful.
andy warhol filmed some dude sleeping for 6 hours. critics argue alot over it. some say its genius. some say it sucks. id never watch it, but its still genius, because all these critics wasted 6 hours of their lives and are still arguing.
kangaroo means "i dont know" in aberigeny.
i didn't change my clothes when i woke up this morning. i liked the outfit, so i thought it was worht wearing twice. all it is is jeans and a t shirt.
i did change my socks.
apples and broccoli taste better prepared. creamed spinach makes me gag.
sometimes you facing forwards, then you turn around and youre still facing forward.
animals other tan us have it so easy. food, sex, sleep. thats all they worry about. nevermind, thats all i worry about too. maybe humanity isnt so bad if you go about it right.
the human embryo contains 5 sets of gills. kind of fishy.
where do random thoughts come from?