ok here I go I hate my life right now it's boring and it's cold out side .....I woke up this morning after a night of drinking which wasn't to exciting anyway . i had to try to get my car working because the snow is gone it runs fine butt.. come to find out and the snow storm of hell which has been the last two weeks my break line froze and i have no brakes at all.( just to let u know my car is my life i love her)well one good thing happened today dustin called and said i didn't have to work.So i leave the house to go out to eat with nathan at out back cause i feel like it and i'm kind of crazy and i not talking about why so know to make a long story short I've ended up at the gay bar and I hate it and I want to leave my back hurts i hurt myself today this bar is so stupid if I wasn't gay I would never come here .I'm to tired to post the rest bye

that's tough. hope it gets better.