The day I endured.
Im not feeling like a nice pirate today.
Skip this journal.
5:25 am I awake before my alarm.
5:30 am My truck wont start
6:00 am Im supposed to be in early for work and I had to get a ride
6:30 am Im loading my tools into my temporary work truck
6:45 am I smashed my head off the rack on the truck
6:46 am I wake up again
7:30 am Arrive on site to find all the materials are wrong and I must make it work
and the fucking site is a goddamn house with three floors and tiny stairs. (glass doesnt like small staircases.)
9:00 am Breaktime, oh wait I dont have time keep working
12:00 pm Lunch, No money in account
no smokes in pack
12:45 pm My roomie transfers deposits my check for me
12:46 pm I get smokes
3:00 pm I realize I am very late and must pick up My everyday work truck, so I trade trucks with my old partner at work.
3:30 pm I get hit by a big steel door at the truck repair shop
4:00 pm My old partner left all the work of unloading the truck up to me.
5:00 pm Traffic sucks
5:30 pm I get home to discover my poor puppy has been eaten alive by mosquito's and his poor puppy head is swollen and covered in sores hes very unhappy.
6:00 pm My truck starts first try.
6:20 pm I start to pity my aweful day,
My roomie cheers me up by renting boondock saints. and buying me some chocolate covered almonds
6:31 pm I going to cuddle my puppy and remember things could be worse.
Im not feeling like a nice pirate today.
Skip this journal.
5:25 am I awake before my alarm.

5:30 am My truck wont start

6:00 am Im supposed to be in early for work and I had to get a ride
6:30 am Im loading my tools into my temporary work truck
6:45 am I smashed my head off the rack on the truck

6:46 am I wake up again

7:30 am Arrive on site to find all the materials are wrong and I must make it work

9:00 am Breaktime, oh wait I dont have time keep working

12:00 pm Lunch, No money in account

12:45 pm My roomie transfers deposits my check for me
12:46 pm I get smokes

3:00 pm I realize I am very late and must pick up My everyday work truck, so I trade trucks with my old partner at work.
3:30 pm I get hit by a big steel door at the truck repair shop
4:00 pm My old partner left all the work of unloading the truck up to me.

5:00 pm Traffic sucks

5:30 pm I get home to discover my poor puppy has been eaten alive by mosquito's and his poor puppy head is swollen and covered in sores hes very unhappy.
6:00 pm My truck starts first try.

6:20 pm I start to pity my aweful day,
My roomie cheers me up by renting boondock saints. and buying me some chocolate covered almonds

6:31 pm I going to cuddle my puppy and remember things could be worse.
Thank you for loving me... and for supporting my going to hell endeavours. I heart you. I hope I see you in June...