Sweedish berries rock.
I miss the fraggles, smurfs and all those old 80's cartoons.
Family sucks, they just dont get it sometimes. I love them all but enough is enough.
Fuck V-day, I am falling for all this love shit, Love means nothing to alot of the people out there (cheaters, liars, promise breakers.) Why celebrate what we dont really have, and why market the fuck out of it.
If you truely love someone, you should tell them all the time and try showing it on a random day, not when a holiday tells you to, stop being sheep people.
Love eh?
Fuck Love
Happier note:
My puppy took a wee shite oot side today
I miss the fraggles, smurfs and all those old 80's cartoons.
Family sucks, they just dont get it sometimes. I love them all but enough is enough.
Fuck V-day, I am falling for all this love shit, Love means nothing to alot of the people out there (cheaters, liars, promise breakers.) Why celebrate what we dont really have, and why market the fuck out of it.
If you truely love someone, you should tell them all the time and try showing it on a random day, not when a holiday tells you to, stop being sheep people.
Love eh?
Fuck Love
Happier note:
My puppy took a wee shite oot side today

I know what you mean about Valentine's Day.....very Hallmark-y, but I love it!! Even though I'm not in a relationship, I'll still make little corny cards for my friends!! I'm a goofball that way!
And yep, questionable is the way to describe most people who approach you at a bar....more likely trying to figure out a way to get you out of your pants....
Thank you for commenting on my journal. My very first comment. *blush*