This questionaire keeps going round and round:
A is for age: 26
B is for booze: One and one only
C is for career: Glazier
D is for Dad's name: John
E is for essential items to bring to party: A smile
F is for favorite song at the moment: Velvet Revolver - Fall to Pieces, Uncle fucker
G is for girlfriend: I have a girlfriend in guam, ha us hosers have to use guam as a place for our fake girlfriends to live
H is for Hometown: Oshawa
I is for instruments I play: My own, and I play very little bass, but tenor sax was my highschool choice.
J is for jam or jelly: ? who gives a fuck?
K is for Kids: I kidd I kidd
L is for living arrangements: Me, roomie, roomies kids, my puppy.
M is for mom's name: Mags
N is for name of friend: Jay
O is for overnight hospital stays: Ha tooo many to count
P is for Phobias: Everything
Q is for quotes you like: Fuck off
R is for longest Relationship: 4 years
S is for sexual position: Pro
T is for time you wake up: normal 5:30 tomorrow 3:00
U is for unique traits and features: Scars
V is for vegetable you love: Cucumber
W is for worst trait/feature: I cant tell when people lie to me
X is for x-rays you've had: really? um more than 20
Y is for yummy food I can make: Egg's
Z is for zodiac sign: Aries
Fuck I suck,
Fuck me!
Fuck fuckity fucking fuck fuck
Tell me this is it really bad when you start boring yourself?
Is this the meltdown of my mind?
I keep smelling the air hoping not to smell burnt toast.
I think I remember the fact that when you fry your brain it is supposed to smell like that but Im not sure.
My truck fucked up today.
I am disapointed with a person who is very dear to my heart that is making a choice that kinda thorws everything up in the air but I do wish her the best.
Ahh enough of the shitty fucking shit fuck it all
A is for age: 26
B is for booze: One and one only
C is for career: Glazier
D is for Dad's name: John
E is for essential items to bring to party: A smile
F is for favorite song at the moment: Velvet Revolver - Fall to Pieces, Uncle fucker
G is for girlfriend: I have a girlfriend in guam, ha us hosers have to use guam as a place for our fake girlfriends to live
H is for Hometown: Oshawa
I is for instruments I play: My own, and I play very little bass, but tenor sax was my highschool choice.
J is for jam or jelly: ? who gives a fuck?
K is for Kids: I kidd I kidd
L is for living arrangements: Me, roomie, roomies kids, my puppy.
M is for mom's name: Mags
N is for name of friend: Jay
O is for overnight hospital stays: Ha tooo many to count
P is for Phobias: Everything
Q is for quotes you like: Fuck off
R is for longest Relationship: 4 years
S is for sexual position: Pro
T is for time you wake up: normal 5:30 tomorrow 3:00
U is for unique traits and features: Scars
V is for vegetable you love: Cucumber
W is for worst trait/feature: I cant tell when people lie to me
X is for x-rays you've had: really? um more than 20
Y is for yummy food I can make: Egg's
Z is for zodiac sign: Aries
Fuck I suck,

Fuck fuckity fucking fuck fuck
Tell me this is it really bad when you start boring yourself?
Is this the meltdown of my mind?
I keep smelling the air hoping not to smell burnt toast.
I think I remember the fact that when you fry your brain it is supposed to smell like that but Im not sure.
My truck fucked up today.
I am disapointed with a person who is very dear to my heart that is making a choice that kinda thorws everything up in the air but I do wish her the best.
Ahh enough of the shitty fucking shit fuck it all

I may have been a little too vehement in my opinions, and for that I apologize
i think i should probably go back to bed.
im starting to smell burning...