Im tired...
Monday blues I guess
I read the paper "EYE" today and in it it stated that we give 1000 % more money to the tsunami victims then we do to all the people dying of aids in Africa.
Makes you wonder where our priorities truely lay, do we as people of a First world nation prefer not to help those who bring AIDS upon themselves in a third world country? and prefer to help people in crisis in what is considered a second world nation?
Is AIDS not a crisis in itself?
Do I make any sense at all?
On a lighter note, my puppy is becoming more and more potty trained everyday.
He also has learned that my socks make a scrumptious meal.
But hes just so gosh darned it cute.
Single life still sucks and after the burn I recieved last time Im not sure I even could handle a relationship or a deep relationship for that matter, maybe Im just doubting myself, which does seem to be the pattern of of most people who get burned.
I welcome the idea of falling in love again.
I wanna be loved and I want to love again but this time I will make sure it goes alot slower.
I should just start dating again no strings fun, then watch it progress from there.
I I I selfish arent I?
Ok one thing unselfish
Everyone thankyou for saying happy b-day to my buddie
Monday blues I guess
I read the paper "EYE" today and in it it stated that we give 1000 % more money to the tsunami victims then we do to all the people dying of aids in Africa.
Makes you wonder where our priorities truely lay, do we as people of a First world nation prefer not to help those who bring AIDS upon themselves in a third world country? and prefer to help people in crisis in what is considered a second world nation?
Is AIDS not a crisis in itself?
Do I make any sense at all?
On a lighter note, my puppy is becoming more and more potty trained everyday.
He also has learned that my socks make a scrumptious meal.

But hes just so gosh darned it cute.
Single life still sucks and after the burn I recieved last time Im not sure I even could handle a relationship or a deep relationship for that matter, maybe Im just doubting myself, which does seem to be the pattern of of most people who get burned.
I welcome the idea of falling in love again.
I wanna be loved and I want to love again but this time I will make sure it goes alot slower.
I should just start dating again no strings fun, then watch it progress from there.
I I I selfish arent I?
Ok one thing unselfish
Everyone thankyou for saying happy b-day to my buddie
it's crazy how many people go through that
i see it as classical conditioning - something bad happens and you assume it will happen every time so you avoid it at all costs...
i'd say don't be afraid, just let shit happen
because if you try to fight it, the girl will resent you
at least that's what happened when someone fought it with me