I am vexed. Horribly Vexed! Exceedingly VEXED! Vexed beyond proportion. I wont tell you why and bore you, but suffice to say, when I am vexed I go here:
This in Playa Klein Knip where I laid in the sun, snorkeled, chewed tobacco and read most of the day today. And if I find ANY OF YOU on MY BEACH whilst I am vexed, I am going to tie a lodestone round your necks and toss you far over the point over there!
Regardles, noone was on the beach this day but me and two wonderfully quixotic elderly local gentelmen; who sat under the palm fronds and played dominoes and invited me to share a watermelon with them.
After having done so, I noticed my decisons and problems dissapated. The clouds cleared and the cosmos were again, back in place and rotataing in their proper spheres. Why? Well part of it is due to something along the lines of this...
"In my search "to be happy," I changed jobs, married and
divorced, took geographical cures, and ran myself into
debt--financially, emotionally and spiritually...[then]
I started learning to grow up. Instead of demanding that people, places and things make me happy, I can ask God for
self-acceptance. When a problem overwhelms me...my faith in God's will shall help me grow through the pain. The
knowledge I gain can be a gift to others who suffer with
the same problem... "When pain comes, we are
expected to learn from it willingly, and help others to
learn. When happiness comes, we accept it as a gift, and
thank God for it."
But, hey, that's just me! Silly ol' me, the simple minded fool!

This in Playa Klein Knip where I laid in the sun, snorkeled, chewed tobacco and read most of the day today. And if I find ANY OF YOU on MY BEACH whilst I am vexed, I am going to tie a lodestone round your necks and toss you far over the point over there!
Regardles, noone was on the beach this day but me and two wonderfully quixotic elderly local gentelmen; who sat under the palm fronds and played dominoes and invited me to share a watermelon with them.
After having done so, I noticed my decisons and problems dissapated. The clouds cleared and the cosmos were again, back in place and rotataing in their proper spheres. Why? Well part of it is due to something along the lines of this...
"In my search "to be happy," I changed jobs, married and
divorced, took geographical cures, and ran myself into
debt--financially, emotionally and spiritually...[then]
I started learning to grow up. Instead of demanding that people, places and things make me happy, I can ask God for
self-acceptance. When a problem overwhelms me...my faith in God's will shall help me grow through the pain. The
knowledge I gain can be a gift to others who suffer with
the same problem... "When pain comes, we are
expected to learn from it willingly, and help others to
learn. When happiness comes, we accept it as a gift, and
thank God for it."
But, hey, that's just me! Silly ol' me, the simple minded fool!

It is terribly important to have our own beach. I'd go so far as to say it's essential to one's sanity. That is why my husband and I are escaping to Israel. His family is there, in a city that suicide bombers ignore completely, it's sunny and beautiful and has amazing falafel. Assuming I learn Hebrew well enough, I will be able to make a career out of my knowledge of Russian and English (LOADS of russkies over there) and I will never ever have to strip again.
And I am a shiksa, actually. My husband is just a big Jew.