Why do people feel the need to do dumb shit. I went to Carl Jr today and I ordered(very slowly) a sourdough bun with lettuce, tomato, pickles, and cheese with NO MEAT(since I'm a lacto-vegetarian). The server working the drive-thru repeated to me my order three times each time saying NO MEAT. So I get my food and I go to take a bit of my sandwich when I noticed that it was FULL OF FUCKING BACON! So I go inside and politely told the cashier that my order was mess up and why and I asked for another sandwich. She says sorry and proceeds to pick the bacon off my sandwich with her bare hands and reaches it to me with a smile on her face! Needless to say it was not a pretty situation (especially since my morning was fucked) and but it all resulted in a refund and free meal that I would eat because of the bacon fragment on the tainted sandwich.
My morning started with my now ex-girlfriend calling me at 6:00 am with some he say she say bullshit. Then I get ready for work and go outside to leave and my car won't start! So I called into work to say I was going to be a little late cuz of car trouble and I got some bullshit over that. Damn my supervisor was acting like I'm late all the time when the truth is I am never ever late. I get to work and the first customer was a complete an utter ass wipe! Complaining to me about stuff I can't ever help him with. Then my ex-girlfriend shows up at my job during my lunch break crying and shit demanding to speak with me to my boss of all people with earn me a "meeting" with the boss after my shift. Which resulting in me being on probation!
Why do people feel the need to do dumb shit. I went to Carl Jr today and I ordered(very slowly) a sourdough bun with lettuce, tomato, pickles, and cheese with NO MEAT(since I'm a lacto-vegetarian). The server working the drive-thru repeated to me my order three times each time saying NO MEAT. So I get my food and I go to take a bit of my sandwich when I noticed that it was FULL OF FUCKING BACON! So I go inside and politely told the cashier that my order was mess up and why and I asked for another sandwich. She says sorry and proceeds to pick the bacon off my sandwich with her bare hands and reaches it to me with a smile on her face! Needless to say it was not a pretty situation (especially since my morning was fucked) and but it all resulted in a refund and free meal that I would eat because of the bacon fragment on the tainted sandwich.
My morning started with my now ex-girlfriend calling me at 6:00 am with some he say she say bullshit. Then I get ready for work and go outside to leave and my car won't start! So I called into work to say I was going to be a little late cuz of car trouble and I got some bullshit over that. Damn my supervisor was acting like I'm late all the time when the truth is I am never ever late. I get to work and the first customer was a complete an utter ass wipe! Complaining to me about stuff I can't ever help him with. Then my ex-girlfriend shows up at my job during my lunch break crying and shit demanding to speak with me to my boss of all people with earn me a "meeting" with the boss after my shift. Which resulting in me being on probation!

Thanks guys and gals! Big kisses and hugs to all of you

Man that is some bullshit, girl. Did u let the boss know u had nothing to do with that? once again
Cuz u look like u need it.