I would like everyone's opinion on rather or not you believe a person's religion should determine who they date? I ask because I meet the really hot chick(lesbian) and we have been chatting and chillin
. Today we got into a discussion about religion. She is a "christian" and she asked me if I believed in GOD. I said no and her eyes popped out of her head as she said" She can't date me if I don't believe in God!" because that makes me a devil worshipper. I then said" I don't believe in the devil either!HAHA" From that point it was all down hill. It was really weird for her to say that she couldn't date me because I don't believe in GOD mainly because other than religion we had a shit load of stuff in common. Oh well
I guess she wasn't the one for me.

Why would you want to date or otherwise associate yourself with someone with such a drasticly different point of view from yours anyway? I wouldn't date a republican, no matter how cute they were. Because no matter how many other things we have in common, that would inevitably drive a wedge between us.