Well-Cat's surgery went good. The doctor removed arthritis and scar tissue from her knee cap. Hopefully her range of motion in that knee will be better now. She's hopped up on Vicodin now and resting, so Monday she starts therapy. Hopefully this will cure the intense pain she has had for 15 weeks now.
Have a huge warehouse sale tomorrow to help raise money for...
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Have a huge warehouse sale tomorrow to help raise money for...
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Checkin in.
Thanks love! And backatcha!
Watched my son graduate from high school tonight. He graduated 8th in his class, and I am very proud of him. Also saw many kids that I have known for 13 years-coaching them in Little League and watching their sports careers sprout. Kinda sad that I won't be watching anymore high school football or baseball. Good luck Alex with everything you do.
Now onto my...
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Now onto my...
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Congrats with your son.
And hopefully your lady has a well mended leg before long. How sucky.

10 weeks later and they find a stress fracture on the front bone in my wife's leg, that is besides the break in the back bone of her leg. There has to something else wrong with her leg, she is in more pain now than she was 10 weeks ago. She has had countless X-rays and 2 MRI's done, and all they can say is...
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Ugh. Suck about your lady and her leg! Ugh. And good on you for the breast cancer raiser!
Just picked up my bike from the shop. Can't wait to ride, EXCEPT- they are saying 50% chance of rain from tonite thru Sunday. AARRGGHH! Finally get it ready after taking time off from 3 surgeries and now the weather won't cooperate. Gotta love Michigan weather.
Busy week, then nothing but work all weekend. Regular job on Saturday morning, then fundraising for the Susan G....
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Busy week, then nothing but work all weekend. Regular job on Saturday morning, then fundraising for the Susan G....
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Oh I couldn't handle that shit! I can barely stand the 3 months of snow we do get. But I am sure you have other trade-offs!
But biking in really snowy or cold or windy weather is so much fun!

Back to work after an exhausting weekend making bra hats for the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Breaast Cancer Walk, cleaning house, putting together a new BBQ, then having Mom and Dad and baby sis over for Mother's day dinner. Also found out we are going to need to put down our 19 Y.O. rescue kitty Darla tomorrow. She's just getting sicker, so we are...
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Another dreary Midwest day-rained early this morning, just overcast now. Watched Jackass 3 last night-could only laugh my ass off or think about pukin. Then watched one of my favorite comincs-Nick DiPaolo. HILARIOUS!!!!!!
Been a long 2 weeks of work, can't wait for the weekend. Gonna take the mountain bike in for a tune-up, gotta start riding soon. Home alone, my bride in Florida. Can't wait till she gets home, show her how important she is to me. Twom more payments and the kids are the ex's! Don't get me wrong-I LOVE my kids, but they don't come...
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Feels strange only working a half day. I hope everyone has a Happy Easter! Watching Club Dread!
Two hours making Bra hats for the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Breastwalk, how boring. but this is helping our team fundraise. I get to do all the dirty work. YAY! Can't wait for warmer weather to get the mountain bike out and start riding my ass off!
Why is that most (and I don't mean to upset all the other 18+ year olds here) kids 16-18+ think the world owes them? I'm tired of these kids coming into work or hearing about how much they won't work for anything less than almost what I am making right now. It's called minimum wage, and start at the bottom like almost 95% of the...
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