Why does it seem I only come online when I need to vent? Damnit... Anyways as much as I want to about certain things.. I won't. I'll focus on the positives... Might be buying a new rig for my jumping.. totally stoked about that. Thing looks deadly up in the air. Will find out next week if it fits me or not, and if it does it's MINE! All mine!!! <cough>
In other news my birthday is slowly coming up (just under a month away). So trying to figure out what I should do that weekend. The 10th is already fully taken by the girlfriend. So the 8th and 9th... Ideas anyone?
..Ok I lied. Can anyone answer this? When all you want to do is be alone with someone, why is it the roommate always seems to find their way there to annoy the fuck out of you? And how do you get it through their skull without being a complete ass?
In other news my birthday is slowly coming up (just under a month away). So trying to figure out what I should do that weekend. The 10th is already fully taken by the girlfriend. So the 8th and 9th... Ideas anyone?
..Ok I lied. Can anyone answer this? When all you want to do is be alone with someone, why is it the roommate always seems to find their way there to annoy the fuck out of you? And how do you get it through their skull without being a complete ass?
as to your 'complaint' ... just leave. go somewhere else. go out for coffee... it's only like $2.00, and you can have a nice conversation. without annoying roommates. and if you mean the special kind of alone... well.... i can't help you there. get a lock on your door?
anyways, yeah, i moved this weekend. it was sooo busy. we hired movers to move the heavy furniture. it was nice to not have to lift anything. stuff's mostly set up. just have a bunch of boxes to go through now. shouldn't take terribly long to get things organized. but it was so awesome getting up half an hour later, and not having to take the bus to work! woo!
you feel better now. happy, damn it!