Check the new splash:
Opened my purchased copy of "signs" last night. An excellent supplement to the Twin Peaks I've been re-aquainting myself with.
Complicated story about my new muse. Far too much to type here. but its good. very very good.
"Signs", for all of it's hollywood polish, is a brilliantly crafted peice of work. As a fledgling screenwriter, the dvd offers fantastic insights into the production process.
Loved it.
Any story that can execute the highest claibre of storytelling craft AND give some insight into the human condition, (one might argue you cant have one without the other) gets high marks from swerve.
Francis Ford Coppola's The conversation and Terry Gilliam's Brazil also made the playlist this weekend.
New words, sketches, and animations. I'm on back on a creative bender.
Today, is a killer work day.
what about you?
Opened my purchased copy of "signs" last night. An excellent supplement to the Twin Peaks I've been re-aquainting myself with.
Complicated story about my new muse. Far too much to type here. but its good. very very good.
"Signs", for all of it's hollywood polish, is a brilliantly crafted peice of work. As a fledgling screenwriter, the dvd offers fantastic insights into the production process.
Loved it.
Any story that can execute the highest claibre of storytelling craft AND give some insight into the human condition, (one might argue you cant have one without the other) gets high marks from swerve.
Francis Ford Coppola's The conversation and Terry Gilliam's Brazil also made the playlist this weekend.
New words, sketches, and animations. I'm on back on a creative bender.
Today, is a killer work day.
what about you?

gas masks are scary. and also kind of lame when i see people at shows wearing them like they're fucking accessories. but it seems to fit into your projectile megalomania/extra terrestrial/political upstart themes...
bringing mr. jackson into this? you play dirty.