You know. Its a common theme amongst people Ive met lately. The us vs. them thing. Like Stendec. Feeling the isolation due to his unaccepted individuality on the part of those around him. And others. others in my personal life. I met this girl about a year ago. it wasnt until a week before she was leaving for school overseas that we talked intimately and actually connected the way humans should. She said the same things. Am I alone? Why are there so many stupid barbie-ken doll clones? And will I die without feeling any connection to the universe through another human being?
I just went through this horrific message board war with some nazis in this online gaming community I've been frequenting. It brought about this question over and over: Are they worth the effort? and then: are they likely to ever understand?
I dunno. Most likely without the proper mental ammunition they'll always be shooting blanks, so to speak.
It IS us vs them. They will never change. We have to take our little community here seriously. Maybe put a name to it. Call it a new movement of intellectual enlightenment. or a cult. OHHH thats IT! then I could wear like a monk robe and be all dope n' shit.
As your fearless leader I 'd like to start this new effort with a round of shaggings. First I'd like to spend a week alone with screamy-dreamy queen. then...
sorry. you see my point. power corrupts. I can only hope the tall, thin, almond-eyed greys come back and instead of playing with my anus, they grant my wish of destroying the Earth.
lets drink and talk about our new cult shall we? I'll be back in the city on Thurs for an appt. with my new tattooist! (thx to both queens for the reference!) anyone up?
Also: purple monkey steam engine.
I just went through this horrific message board war with some nazis in this online gaming community I've been frequenting. It brought about this question over and over: Are they worth the effort? and then: are they likely to ever understand?
I dunno. Most likely without the proper mental ammunition they'll always be shooting blanks, so to speak.
It IS us vs them. They will never change. We have to take our little community here seriously. Maybe put a name to it. Call it a new movement of intellectual enlightenment. or a cult. OHHH thats IT! then I could wear like a monk robe and be all dope n' shit.
As your fearless leader I 'd like to start this new effort with a round of shaggings. First I'd like to spend a week alone with screamy-dreamy queen. then...
sorry. you see my point. power corrupts. I can only hope the tall, thin, almond-eyed greys come back and instead of playing with my anus, they grant my wish of destroying the Earth.
lets drink and talk about our new cult shall we? I'll be back in the city on Thurs for an appt. with my new tattooist! (thx to both queens for the reference!) anyone up?

Also: purple monkey steam engine.

Coming to the shindig Saturday? The female:male ratio will be quite advantageous.