rented the dvd. was grrrrrreat. there is a feature in the specials that allows you to get director commentary throughout the film. Was amazing. if you like cronenberg and you're interested in moviemaking, its for you.
Cecil B. Demented
I missed it last weekend cuz the weekend ended b4 I could view it. I went back and got it this weekend. I'm glad I did. great flick. schlock schtick. fidget grabs dick. burning loins, heads, and directors ^.-
demented 4 ever.
So the CFC gets these assholes from Michigan to come down and teach us leadership development for four fucking 9 hour days in a row. If I wanted group therapy I'd go on my own.
"how do you feel swerve when so-and-so abuses her authority?"
"Well, I think I like it, at least I must since wetting myself is always a good sign right?"
"mmmm hmmm..."
needless to say, I'm hoping Chief will come and snuff me out with a pillow at the end of my 4 day lobotomy...

Do you ever listen to DREAMLAND? Strieber's radio show?
Its really good. I hate to have to pay to listen to Coast to Coast
I don't think I'll renew after this month, not enough time to
listen and no Art Bell anymore....
DE-MENTED FOR E VER!!!!!!!! I love John Waters.
Must be a lot of melodrama goin' on... taking away your attention from the most important things in life: strangers who are strange, and pg-13 porn.