"they don't call them lovers in high school Leland"
well. the anxiety attacks have subsided for the moment.
I'm in a rut. my mind is expanding and my energy is sapped.
I lust for the weekend so I can gorge on weed, wine, relaxation and film. hopefully music and art will follow.
I caught a David Lynch one min short film that was paart of a collection called "luminaire" today. it was Lynchian and brilliant and further cemented my desire to work in film.
Families can eat your soul. Mine tries to every motherfucking day. Most days I'm secure in my strength. days like today my knees bend from the weight. they bend. they never break.
twist my friends, twist.
you know how in order to re-structure... the old structure has to be extricated first?
breaking is imperitive...
but i'm twisting right now
i saw luminaire... i can't remember it though... unless it was the collection all shot with the same camera...?
And I'll have to refrain from twisting, lest I rip the fucker right off.