He seems not to be an asshole after all. I just hate him the more.

If he breaks her heart, Ill break his neck.

mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad
Her next date tonight and I keep dying....
skull skull skull skull skull

I'm just too stupid for this world. puke
youre not too stupid
she just doesnt get that it kills you inside.

So, sleeping problems again. I met with my "current crush" yesterday after not seeing her all weekend. She told me about how her date on Saturday. To make a long story short: she didnt have any luck with the boy she was hitting on but found another and made out with him. Shes again head over heals in love with a testosterone-driven muscle-monster. I really...
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oh frown that stinks so bad
i had a huge crush on my best friend for 10 years, but he decided for me that i only saw him as a brother... so i can understand.
you are strong! and you can continue being strong i know it

I did some updates to my homepage. It's not so freaking depressive anymore. (or at least a little less depressive)
Other than that I'm lazy today. I had only 3 hours sleep last night. I went to quite good party and stayed until 4:30 in the morning. Today I woke up as usual at 7:30 precisely. Damn those habits! smile

I currently spend a lot of...
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*hump hump hump*

your daily humpage is brought to you by: Rumpus P Humpage Extrodinare!
nun...- das klinkt schooon etwas hoffnungslos-
aber was solls, schlielich ist Sommer-
wird sich schon wer finden, der mit Dir rumspringen
mag- und knutschen usw.- was fr eine scheuliche Vorstellung,
Dir das Ohr abkauen zu lassen- uber einen Anderen!
I like my new haircut.

Besides, it was the first time for at least 20 years that someone washed my hair for me. Till today, I always had it dry-cut. But NEVERMORE! I really enjoyed it, it's so relaxing. smile smile smile
oh my goodness..when i moved here and started reading swedish i thought all my german had flown out the door, but then my mom got letters from some one in the family that was from 1890's and it was german..and i translated it..with the help of a dictionary...
and then you answer me in german
and oh my god
i understood you!!!
i didnt need to look it up
its still there.

oh hugs and kisses for you

Why do I keep falling in love with women that take no interest in me? This way I'll never end the loneliness of my heart. This sucks big time. I hate mad myself for this stupidity.
you are not the only one that falls in love with people
who take no interest!
ive done it before and it hurts huh?
but you know some day you will find the best girl in the world i think!!!!

Thanks Sakita, that's sweet of you. But my time is sort of running out. I won't wait forever for that "some day". I just can't live this sad existence much longer.

[Edited on Jun 17, 2003]
Could somebody please teach me how to cry?
when i want to cry and can't seem to i just listen to a lot of either cursive or depeche mode and take a hot shower or bath.... the tears seem to start flowing... or get drunk off nyquil. depends on the day.
Well, I tried that. Didn't work. But thanks for the hint.
Shall I take the train
Or rather cut my vein
I could just take those pills
It is the whish that kills

Whats the point in trying
When all my hopes are dying
Ill never have the slightest chance
To join the peoples joyful dance

All around theres happy chatter
And even I sometimes get better
But when Im bold enough to join
Im always...
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Anyone else pissed off because of my rapidly changing mood? Then just stop reading my journal. I don't think that it'll get any better. Ever.
...thank you
The last couple of day I was really flying high. Then I needed to get down on my feet again, live my life rather than flying over it. But that landing part didnt work out for me.

I crashed.

Now Im crawling on my broken bones again, still trying to get up, despite my broken wings.
