I should be happy right now; content with the stuff I achieved the last days. But Im not! I already figured out why, but its too stupid to tell. Though I officially admit its stupid, I cant help it, Im sad. Melancholy rules my soul again. Yesterday I was kind of saved from all that by Daniela. Shes currently a spark in the blackness of my soul. Today she got her own stuff to care about. Everybody else is just not fucking there!
I tried for 3h to reach someone to talk to on the phone. No one answers. No one to talk to one AIM or ICQ. The SG-chat only filled with people I dont know. I am so lonely.
My heart is aching. My mind is numb. I have no interest in anything. The demons of my past are having a celebration and Im staring the tragic hero.
Why cant this just be over?

My heart is aching. My mind is numb. I have no interest in anything. The demons of my past are having a celebration and Im staring the tragic hero.

I understand being lonely. It is one of the worst feelings. There's never an easy way out, sometimes there's no way out at all. But keep in mind that even though you feel alone, there are people who have been there as well, and can understand where you are coming from. You can always contact me and I would be happy to talk to you. You are surrounded by a good community here. Stay strong.
aww swen, dont feel bad! get msn u can talk to me!