I know that I can survive this, but Im not sure if I want to. I think its bullshit to die for some specific dream (e.g. a specific person) but thats not the point. Its all about dying because of lack of faith in a dream.
Besides, Im a very dependant person. I cant live on my own, without some basic support form others. What I get from friends (whether I meet them in person or on the net doesnt make a difference) is nice and helpful to some extend. That helps me to like myself. But as long as theres no one who is capable of loving me, I cannot either.
I know that they say that you can only be loved if you love yourself. So thats a circulus vitiosus. I cant break out of it. If that line holds true, Im fucked up (sorry for the rudeness).
I love tragedies. I hate happy-endings.
Thank you for your support, sakita/lizbeth/ellie
-smile in the face of death-
PS: I'm not suicidal, yet. Don't worry. Big decisions always take time. I'll give it at least a few more years...
Besides, Im a very dependant person. I cant live on my own, without some basic support form others. What I get from friends (whether I meet them in person or on the net doesnt make a difference) is nice and helpful to some extend. That helps me to like myself. But as long as theres no one who is capable of loving me, I cannot either.
I know that they say that you can only be loved if you love yourself. So thats a circulus vitiosus. I cant break out of it. If that line holds true, Im fucked up (sorry for the rudeness).
I love tragedies. I hate happy-endings.
Thank you for your support, sakita/lizbeth/ellie
-smile in the face of death-
PS: I'm not suicidal, yet. Don't worry. Big decisions always take time. I'll give it at least a few more years...
from my family!!! cant wait!
a wax doll, a wax idian doll..that i bought when i was 5.
im going to give it away to my boyfriends mom, she is awed by stuff like that.
today was nice got in a bike ride before the rain began to pour, but i think swedes started celebrating the 4th of july or something..gah i thought i got away from it all!