So I have been seeing this counsellor now for a couple months for numerous reasons and I really like her. She is the first one I think I have ever liked, maybe thats come with age but she does a great job, However I went in there with all these theories as to why I am the way I am and so far they have been completely worng, I am realizing things for the first time in my life that have never occured to me and it scares the shit out of me, im also not use to change and thats a part of our therapy figuring out how to change my coping skills and man is that ever hard, I think im like hard wired or sumthing. I go once a week because my support team as I call them is worried about the fact that I am so isolated where I live, which is not like way out of town but enough so that without a license your stuck! I look forward to it every week because its like it lets me know that someone else knows im alive..... i feel pretty lonely,...: (
A good counsellor is a great thing to have, I was seeing one a while back and I learnt some great cpoing strategies for a medical condition that I have. All the best!