i hate the gas company!!!!!!!!!!! they were charging me for gas i wasn't even using. the only thing we have gas is heat. and we haven't used it in over 3 months. why is it that when ever you have to put up a deposit, 100 dollars in this case, they always seem to find ways to penny pinch it down. my final bill says i owe 7.81. simple math problem, 100 deposit minus 7.81 bill due, equals 92.19. my refund should be 92.19, but nnnnnoooooooooooo, it is only 88.06. they can't explain where the other charge is. i offered to pay my bill over the phone with my debit card, and have them mail me the 100 deposit back, and they wouldn't fucking do it. i hate monopolies, this is the only gas company in town, so they can do whatever the fuck they want. damn the man, damn him to hell!!!!!!!!11

I know most of the departments start pay went up to $12.something, not sure 'bout buffing. The benefits are ok, not union scale, but not Burgerking either. We only have 1st (7-3:30) and 2nd (4-12:30) shift. Its not a bad place to work if you live here, I'd hate to commute from where you're at though