one more week until my birthday. can't wait to go to atlanta and see social d, tiger army, and the explosion. i'm treating myself for my birthday. so if any atlantians would like to meet up and hang out, just let me know. hoping to meet up with allisonpaige at the show, can't wait. she seems really cool. she has offered to help us with hotel arrangements. very glad to see her back.
well the band has decided to slow things down a bit. we are discussing bringing in another guitar player. i think it will really thicken the sound, and give jd a chance to focus more on singing. he has been trying to swing two jobs for awhile trying to get on full time at the new one so he can quit the old one. so practice time has been very limited. i can't wait until we get the time schedules down so we can focus on writing new material and record some more. tez has offered to digitally record us for free. he is the cat who got nappy roots where they are today. it is going to be interesting have a hip hop/rap artist record a heavy punk
well the band has decided to slow things down a bit. we are discussing bringing in another guitar player. i think it will really thicken the sound, and give jd a chance to focus more on singing. he has been trying to swing two jobs for awhile trying to get on full time at the new one so he can quit the old one. so practice time has been very limited. i can't wait until we get the time schedules down so we can focus on writing new material and record some more. tez has offered to digitally record us for free. he is the cat who got nappy roots where they are today. it is going to be interesting have a hip hop/rap artist record a heavy punk
happy birthday

happy birthday sweet stuff