well this weekend kinda sucked. saturday i was hung over all day. and sunday i got arrested for dui. it is my third offense in five years. this is going to suck if i get found guilty. i had to call my boss for bail money. i was so ashamed to tell him i was in jail. but he came to my rescue. the judge was going to keep me in jail until wed. if i couldn't come up with the $1000 bond. thank god for nermin kusmic, my hero. now i'm just waiting until my next court date. and i have to wait for the blood tests to come back. the breathalyzer came up invalid. so they drew blood. i told them i was allergic to needles but with all my tattoos and piercings they just laughed at me. if any of you out there are lawyers, i could use some legal advice.
well when i make the shoot i'll definatly let you be the first to know

you will just have to keep checking out my journal