So it looks like I haven't been very active on this thing since the end of summer. I'm such a slacker. But in all fairness, it was a very long and stressful end of summer/fall/winter. I mean, I was handling the schoolwork, people and financial stress pretty well because I had belly dance as my stress reliever. Then I got a stress fracture and things...
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Its getting closer. Well, it's still about 10 weeks away, but I'm still nervous. I have every right to be. My very first bellydance performance, EVER, with my level 2 group. We're doing a turkish romani dance and I have no Idea what costume to get, or what a good, affordable place to go would be. Everytime I go into that studio I start to...
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What color of hip scarf are you looking for? I have a few extra. I mainly have pink though. I'm actually hoping to be able to go to the show.
thank you for the birthday wishes 

Best new years I've ever had. Ever. I think I'm finally sober now too lol. Happy New Year you crazy kids!
still trying to decide if i should get my new tattoo. it ill be relatively big and cost 3-400 bones simply because of the amount of detail. still not sure if i want it in color though, mainly because only certain colors show up better than others due to my skin tone. but with school starting soon and me losing my job, i'm kinda strapped...
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hello ^^
I'm back in St Louis and FINALLY have access to my own computadora! YESS!! But I had a great time in New Jersey/NYC seeing my good buddy Mike. Central Park was amazing and I got a ton of awesome pictures. I think I got a little trigger happy with my camera at some point and just started taking pictures of random shit. Like squirrels. A...
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Months ago I told my myself that I wasn't going to get anymore tattoos. I figured five was enough for me. Of course I never listen to my own advice so now I've got two more tattoo ideas in the making
But they both won't be able to be done until after the holidays because I would like to hot tub it up when I...
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Holiday plans for this year: 5 days in NJ/PA/NYcity followed by 5 days in MD. Unfortunately its winter so no, crabs are not in season (dammit!!). But I get to see some friends and my family for xmas so it should be good times. Hopefully I'll have a better adventure in New York city this time than last time. Don't think I was 21 yet....
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Oh how I miss MD, VA, and DC. I want some Crab Cakes so bad right now. I want to see chuck or backyard live in the club, hit a couple reggae spots and go downtown DC doing random photography. But it is way too damn cold out there for me. I guess I will have to wait for the summer to even think about it. lol
Are you going to that studio party on the 24th? I'm guessing anyone can come? I'm hoping to go with my boyfriend, unless it's only for dancers...if you go, would be great to meet you!
Of course, right now I have blonde hair(that needs brass removing toner lol) and I'm bigger than the pics I have on here because of baby weight and stress. I'm trying so hard to lose weight, but it doesn't seem to go anywhere...