i will be posting new pics as soon as i can find the damn cord to the camera but n e ways its been awhile i have been working my ass off trying to get a promotion at work and check this shit i was told the other day that guys where i work (Bob Evans) can only wear one earring i have been working there for awhile now and they just sprung this shit on me I have 1/2 inch gauges why can i only wear one and girls can wear two that is so fucking sexist its not like by me having both in it is going to make the food taste like shit i know that no customer is going to start eating and be like excuse me mama but this taste like a guy with ear piercings made it could you ask him to take one out and make it over so wtf
i was sending you another "thank you" but realized I already did.... sooooooo, thanks again! and tell Bob Evans to eff off!