I made a new frined today. his name is drewhavoc. Hes hot. I want him to take off his clothes and join suicide boys so i can see all his goodies. yeah!! get nekkid!! butt nekkid!!although I dont think that would help my sexual frustration. nope. not at all. damn...valentines day is right around the corner and I have no one to share it with. That sucks cuz thers so many lingerie outfits I couldve worn if I had a special someone. damn...working at victorias secret ony has its perks when ur seeing someone
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Wednesday Jan 25, 2006
Hello all. After 2 years of being gone I have returned to suicide gir… -
Saturday Jan 31, 2004
todays word of the day is final. as in this here is my final entry fo… -
Saturday Jan 31, 2004
todays word of theday is depressed. as in "today im feel very deppres… -
Friday Jan 30, 2004
todays word of the day is WONDERFUL. As in, "I had a wonderful day, … -
Thursday Jan 29, 2004
Todays word of the day is lovely.As in, "I am a very lovely girl" yes… -
Thursday Jan 22, 2004
I made a new frined today. his name is drewhavoc. Hes hot. I want him… -
Thursday Jan 22, 2004
u know what I realize? I only have 3 friends from work, school and in… -
Monday Jan 19, 2004
OK PEOPLE... if ur on my friend list u should fel priveleged cuz I re… -
Sunday Jan 18, 2004
I am SOOOO PISSED!!! I have an oncall shift today. I call at 12 to… -
Saturday Jan 17, 2004
Im not doing anything today....nope. Turns out my poor xcuse of a job…
You work at the Grove don't you! you've probably seen me staring into your store...licking the glass and making obscene gestures.