SO i havent posted in a long ass time
been sooooo busy with army work
deployment prep
northern iraq in tminus a couple of months
so i moved
i have a fiance now
i know that breaks all of your hearts
i still have time to talk to all u lovelies
no new sets up yet
probably wont be doing any anytime soon
but youll get over it
later gator
been sooooo busy with army work
deployment prep
northern iraq in tminus a couple of months
so i moved
i have a fiance now
i know that breaks all of your hearts
i still have time to talk to all u lovelies

no new sets up yet
probably wont be doing any anytime soon

but youll get over it
later gator
wow, imagine my surprise at seeing that you posted a new blog...glad you're doing so well :-) congrats on the fiance. sucks about the deployment; where are you living now?
i hadn't even thought of that. it's So true!! i miss you, honey. can't wait to see you again.