So its like 70 degrees here and it hardly feels like christmas.. my friend jon is convincing me that jewmas is more of an appropreate holiday for this floridian weather. jewmas is as stated jews celebrating christmas... he says it should be called masjew because christmas comes before the jew? i dont know. i like jon because all we do is sarcastically argue and he never wins because "he killed my jesus". bahaha well being back in va was great i had a bomb ass time. going to the old clubs i used to frequent and kicking girls asses in the TUFF competition at peabodys. I ended up being in the main event because the other fighter cherry got sick. so after a long ass 15 minute match i ended up getting recruited as the next main event in the January 21st show so look forward to seeing me in VA once again.
come to the next show!!!

come to the next show!!!

Happy New Years from Kosovo gorgeous.
you are awesome. That first shot of you whooping ass is great! Happy New Year!