Dear all my lovelies
I am now in Georgia the beautiful state where the biggest mall in this hicktown in WALMART and the only fun times i have is sneaking in the bars and running to savannah to see punk shows.. its sad how the army spoils me and then i have no where to run to. Hopefully ill be back in the 757 VA this week... it keeps getting pushed back thanks to my indescisiveness.. i want to do a set.. this month so im on to the chalenge of finding a photographer up to the challenge of giving all my good attributes to film and your viewing pleasure..
On the hunt...
im going to be a vampire for haloween
a very badly burned one
hugs and kisses
to all of you
sweettart suicide

I am now in Georgia the beautiful state where the biggest mall in this hicktown in WALMART and the only fun times i have is sneaking in the bars and running to savannah to see punk shows.. its sad how the army spoils me and then i have no where to run to. Hopefully ill be back in the 757 VA this week... it keeps getting pushed back thanks to my indescisiveness.. i want to do a set.. this month so im on to the chalenge of finding a photographer up to the challenge of giving all my good attributes to film and your viewing pleasure..
On the hunt...
im going to be a vampire for haloween
a very badly burned one
hugs and kisses
to all of you
sweettart suicide

How was basic training?
have you heard the song "South Hill" by Tim Barry(from Avail)? here ya go..maybe u can relate.