So this will be my last post for a long ass time. nine weeks to be exact! but anyways i will be at FT. Jackson for basic training. Trying to survive running outrageous miles and getting bitched at by Major Paines. lol I'm leaving with a pretty broken heart it seems. the story isn't the most believable, but if it was on Jerry Springer then you'd understand. I've been dating this guy for the past 3 years off and on. basically he was the air i breathed. we would break up but we always ended up finding each other. it really didnt matter who we saw aside from each other. our other relationships would just fall apart useless and then we would be there to catch the other fall. I found out he cheated on me with one of my associates child. 3 days before i ship. he got her kicked out of her house in trouble and now shes about to throw her young life away like i did. i mean my youth isnt all dried up, hey i'm 18. but in all honesty 3 years is a long time of arguments, pain, and people driving you apart. there are so many emotions going through me right now. anger, frustration, fear, pain, sadness. still in all of this theres this strange fleeting hope about me leaving tomorrow. i mean its pretty sad when your recruiter has to say "what the fuck couldnt he wait three days t'ill you were gone?" I'm glad that i crushed him out of my heart. I mean I've already told people i expected this to happen. I'm really not happy with the outcome. Not at all. But good news for you guys is that once again.... I'm single. that should give you of you some hope huh? lol
too bad i'll be gone for so long
but i promise to leave all of you some love
and that i will return all messages and comments when i get back
it seems like a long time, but i bet it will go by fast.
to all of you great guys and gals out there that have commented me and befriended me
can't wait to see you when i get back
Sweettart Suicide
too bad i'll be gone for so long
but i promise to leave all of you some love
and that i will return all messages and comments when i get back
it seems like a long time, but i bet it will go by fast.
to all of you great guys and gals out there that have commented me and befriended me
can't wait to see you when i get back
Sweettart Suicide

Be safe. Ft. jackson isn't bad at all. Remember it's all a mental game and you will be fine.
I was there for 18 weeks and made it out very well. Have fun!!!

Be safe, look forward to your return.