Ok breath (this is going to be a long one)
thinking about last night i dont know how i let things get so ugly
thats all they ever tend to be anymore
woke up with a busted lip, bruises everywhere, and a fucked up leg
my head was pulsating not from a hangover
but with the constant confusion of the events that occurred last night
I'm never drinking again
i've found that i'm starting to get more like my father every day
i dont want to be that man
someone thats addicted
i never wanted to hurt you
that wasnt my intention
it seems like i just complicate everything
in case you didnt notice this is my
apology to the world
everything thats happened to me
i'm not using as an excuse anymore
its pretty sad that you cant block those ghost out
not forever at least
i found out my brakes work last night
a rabbit ran right out in front of my car
i guess thats what i've made myself out to be
A rabbit running past headlights that narrowly escapes death
taking stupid chances and counting on stupid people
one of these days that crash is finally going to come
even though i've been hit a few times
it hasnt been enough to kill me just yet
i guess thats how life is.
you safely stand at one side
or cross and make it safely to the other
but you can't be in between
i wonder why that is
besides the fact eventually a semi will plow you over
I'm going to be leaving soon
and i'm really hurt and strung up about all of this
I don't want to leave on these terms
But i guess I dont have a choice in the matter
its almost like
knowing what your fate will be
i'm sorry
i wish i could have jumped out and taken the hit for you
in some ways i was hit
we all got it full on
and now we are just road waffles on I-64
getting hit everyday huh?
can roadkill get up and start over
i've never seen it happen
but sometimes when you think somethings dead
its only knocked out
and it just hasn't come to yet
it reminds me of this hunting story
a guy in a truck was driving and
he saw a dead buck on the side of the road
after getting out and checking on it he realized it had just been hit
and the meat was well still fresh apparently
so he puts the deer in his truck
20 minutes later hes getting his ass handed
to him by the buck
that had woken up
i wonder if people can get insurance for stuff like that.
i know the next person that
stops on the side of that road
and sees me lying there
all busted and half dead
will still see theres something good and useful there
he better have insurance
shoot was today
Pictures by GBI GRAPHICS
Makeup by Dierdresrealm

thinking about last night i dont know how i let things get so ugly
thats all they ever tend to be anymore
woke up with a busted lip, bruises everywhere, and a fucked up leg
my head was pulsating not from a hangover
but with the constant confusion of the events that occurred last night
I'm never drinking again
i've found that i'm starting to get more like my father every day
i dont want to be that man
someone thats addicted
i never wanted to hurt you
that wasnt my intention
it seems like i just complicate everything
in case you didnt notice this is my
apology to the world
everything thats happened to me
i'm not using as an excuse anymore
its pretty sad that you cant block those ghost out
not forever at least
i found out my brakes work last night
a rabbit ran right out in front of my car
i guess thats what i've made myself out to be
A rabbit running past headlights that narrowly escapes death
taking stupid chances and counting on stupid people
one of these days that crash is finally going to come
even though i've been hit a few times
it hasnt been enough to kill me just yet
i guess thats how life is.
you safely stand at one side
or cross and make it safely to the other
but you can't be in between
i wonder why that is
besides the fact eventually a semi will plow you over
I'm going to be leaving soon
and i'm really hurt and strung up about all of this
I don't want to leave on these terms
But i guess I dont have a choice in the matter
its almost like
knowing what your fate will be
i'm sorry
i wish i could have jumped out and taken the hit for you
in some ways i was hit
we all got it full on
and now we are just road waffles on I-64
getting hit everyday huh?
can roadkill get up and start over
i've never seen it happen
but sometimes when you think somethings dead
its only knocked out
and it just hasn't come to yet
it reminds me of this hunting story
a guy in a truck was driving and
he saw a dead buck on the side of the road
after getting out and checking on it he realized it had just been hit
and the meat was well still fresh apparently
so he puts the deer in his truck
20 minutes later hes getting his ass handed
to him by the buck
that had woken up
i wonder if people can get insurance for stuff like that.
i know the next person that
stops on the side of that road
and sees me lying there
all busted and half dead
will still see theres something good and useful there
he better have insurance
shoot was today
Pictures by GBI GRAPHICS
Makeup by Dierdresrealm

You need someone to talk to, PM me.
What a way to open and close a blog.