ARGH!!!! raining again i guess thats virginia weather for you. its cold as fuck outside and i already packed up most of my winter clothes. i'm so ready for spring its not even funny. Something new to report on. I joined this womens mixed martial arts group and i kick ass. its probably one of the most physically challenging things i've done so far as for fitness stuff. Waiting on my new set to be done!! i get it tomorrow sometime. YAY! I'm so ready for sunday its not even funny. i'm doing more port work with this new photographer who has some crazy beautiful stuff in his port. lets see what else have i gotten myself into? oh i baked a green bean casserole today! and didnt burn it!!!
my life is so boring at the moment
i need to go back to the clubs at the beach and
get myself into some trouble

my life is so boring at the moment
i need to go back to the clubs at the beach and
get myself into some trouble

well the set is in my pics section of my profile if you still wanted a looksie :] thanks hun x