I meant to write more regularly and I'll commit now to doing it. This seems like one of the only places I feel like it's safe to write about my personal. If I don't keep up with it it's not going to make much sense because it seems to be jumping around a bit.
I moved! I'm back living in Chico again after 8 years of living in the bay area and a couple summers in NY. It's nice to be back and connect with the town again. I haven't seen too many friends because I've been laid out with a bursitis in my knee. Eventually I was able to get antibiotics for it and it's healing well. I've mostly been watching anime and movies in my room on my shiatsu mat for the past week doing as little else as possible.
It doesn't LOOK much better cause it's more red now, however, the swelling has gone way down.
I also cut my hair.
Well let's see now. Where I left off last is far from where I am now. The woman I was head over heals for apparently was confused and ended up choosing someone else. Which was a bunch of WTF?!? I'm still getting over it all, but it's mostly run it's course. Especially since I've moved out of the woods and into an active community. I just walked through to farmer's market and remembered how nice it is to live in a town full of beautiful women in summer clothes. My knee is still too bad for me to feel comfortable me asking anybody out right now. If things go well and I get invited in I want to be able to rigorously be up on my knees. Haha!
Seriously though, my libido is driving me crazy. I'm strongly considering having a straightforward talk with a friend about being pleasure pals. I suppose since I live in a college town I could find others outside my usual circle, and perhaps I will. it's just been too long since I've twirled my tongue around perked nipple or felt the crushing squeeze of tights around my head while riding the pelvic roller coaster. Le sigh.
I'm a little bummed I wasn't able to connect with my friend before I left to get my new ink! I can get down to the SF bay sometime soon I'm sure. I need to find a blood bank first to make a donation and then get inked. I am sure about my next one and I'm close to solidifying my next ideas. Oh but I love it so much I just want to get more and more! We shall see.
Let's see what happens next in this magical adventure called life
Thank you so much for the support on my set
My knee is almost 100% again. Sunday I dance again after months of being laid up. DANCE TIME!
I hope you go Pink soon!