Oh you fucking emotions! How can they jus flip my fucking lid and turn me upside down and almost inside out?
I simply CPU d out that my last partner is now in loved with another fellow and I learned that I am still rather attached to the idea of being with her. I left for the summer and it remained ambiguous as to what was going on between us. If I had jus said "I love you and I'm coming back" this whole summer would have. Een a lot less messy emotionally and I would have missed out on such an amazing woman.
Why fuck do I keep fucking fucking things up?!?!? This is the second(maybe third) amazing woman I've let go when I really ought to see what's right in front of my eyes and hold on. Fuck I'm a fucking imbecile sometimes. Unruly egotistical ignoramus. Unequivocally ignorant to How to recognize an amazing partner right before my eyes!
I ducking hate these life lessons sometimes. Now I know to fucking pay attention when I love spending every moment with someone I love and they are head over heels in love with me I need to squeeze them into my heart and beat along with their heart and dance into the night.
For now I'm just going to let things happen and keep in he shallow end for a while. My love is an AMA ing healing ability. My love making has changed people lives honestly. Women who never felt safe with men have found safety in my harms. Women whom have never been treated well or fully satisfied or had their needs even been paid attention to have found themselves receiving exactly what they need from my loving. So do I continue to be a sacred whore and keep offering my service until I meet a new partner or just go solo bodhisattva path?
I simply CPU d out that my last partner is now in loved with another fellow and I learned that I am still rather attached to the idea of being with her. I left for the summer and it remained ambiguous as to what was going on between us. If I had jus said "I love you and I'm coming back" this whole summer would have. Een a lot less messy emotionally and I would have missed out on such an amazing woman.
Why fuck do I keep fucking fucking things up?!?!? This is the second(maybe third) amazing woman I've let go when I really ought to see what's right in front of my eyes and hold on. Fuck I'm a fucking imbecile sometimes. Unruly egotistical ignoramus. Unequivocally ignorant to How to recognize an amazing partner right before my eyes!
I ducking hate these life lessons sometimes. Now I know to fucking pay attention when I love spending every moment with someone I love and they are head over heels in love with me I need to squeeze them into my heart and beat along with their heart and dance into the night.
For now I'm just going to let things happen and keep in he shallow end for a while. My love is an AMA ing healing ability. My love making has changed people lives honestly. Women who never felt safe with men have found safety in my harms. Women whom have never been treated well or fully satisfied or had their needs even been paid attention to have found themselves receiving exactly what they need from my loving. So do I continue to be a sacred whore and keep offering my service until I meet a new partner or just go solo bodhisattva path?
Thank you for your kind words!